Our chat with HerGameToo advocate Hollie Sealey

At Exeter City we're proud to say we're one of the first clubs to champion the HerGameToo campaign. This Tuesday and Wednesday will be our dedicated HGT fixtures this season. A tradition we've held since the 2021/22 season.
This week, to celebrate International Women's Day, we sat down with Exeter City Women's HerGameToo advocate Hollie Sealey to talk about the day and what work behind the scenes she's doing to reinvigorate the City Women's Supporters' Club; her programme covers and her work to introduce more accesibility for autistic fans on Matchday.
"International Women's Day is a chance to celebrate all women whether they're from different cultures, ethnicities, making sure they're heard and appreciated and celebrating those who have got us to where we are now- especially here at Exeter City." Hollie said.
"What really hooked me to supporting City Women was seeing that women can do it to! The Euros got me intersted in football and I wanted to go down and support my local team."
It wasn't long before Hollie became a HerGameToo advocate for City.
"I wanted to be part of something that makes a difference. There's so much that needs to change in the women's game. If I can be a small part in that that would be great!"

It's been a really successful year for the Exeter City Women, having been promoted to the third tier of English football for the first time in their history. Inspired by the work of the Arsenal Supporters' Club, Hollie's made it her mission to rebuild Citys.
"I wanted to bring it back after it dipped during covid. It's been a long journey, a lot of emails and support from Jen Dixon, Andy Gillard, Clive Harrison, Matt Riley and the FSA- but we've got something now and it's been incredible."
Part of Hollie's passion is to improve the matchday for all fans and is working closely with Jen Dixon to improve autism packs at Women's games.
"These are really important for me," Hollie continues. "I have a sensory overload when I go to men's games because of the noise- so we've now introduced autism packs to women's games for our fans.
"They've got ear defenders in them, a fidget spinner, and a lanyard so far. I'm working with Jen to add more things and make them more inclusive to everybody."
Packs are currently available at St James Park too, which include a map of the ground.

Hollie's been a big part of the media output for Exeter City Women this year, having created the programme artwork and featured in a few TikToks handing out friendship bracelets to players.
"It's absolutely insane! I can't believe I get to do that! They were looking for writer's for the men's programme but I asked whether I could send it my art. Charlie [Howell- programme editor] got straight back to me and now I've done all the artwork for the Women's covers so far.
"Walking into SJP for the first time and seeing big posters with my artwork on was insane. I went there as a kid and there are photos of me holding the programme, so the fact I get to deign it for the women now is mental!"
The full chat with Hollie can be found on our YouTube page!
Elsewhere, we're celebrating International Women's Day across Exeter City Supporters' Trust. We've invited some of our brilliant women staff members into the boardroom on Saturday as guests of honour as City take on Shrewsbury in League One.
It's also City's dedicated Level Playing Field fixture which promotes accessibility for all match-going fans by adding aids, such as our new viewing platform at SJP, and improving the matchday experience.