An update from Nick Hawker
I hope you are all well!
I wanted to write and advise you that the Trust Board has decided to withdraw the Annual General Meeting resolutions nos. 2 & 3 relating to the Club Articles of Association. I’m grateful to a member for raising with myself the poor wording and explanations of each of these resolutions.
I know that right now our Secretary, Phil Burden, will be working hard to prepare for the Annual General Meeting, the election hustings, and of course, the election itself. This is always the busiest time of year for the Trust and again, I’m grateful for Phil’s efforts and of course, for the work our returning officer, John Street, does in relation to these.
I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Phoenix Arts Centre on Saturday 12th November at 11am.
This year, two hard working and dedicated Trustees will have completed their maximum 9-year term. Elaine Davis and Neil Le Milliere have been stalwarts of not just our own Trust, but of the Trust movement within football and have helped to shape who we are today.
Over the years Elaine has become the perfect match-day host for opposition directors and of course, if you’ve been fortunate enough to have won the Director of the Day prize draw, you will most certainly have met her. Elaine will continue this role and will also help to co-ordinate activities planned for our 20th Anniversary, next year! I can’t begin to imagine how much money Elaine has raised for the club during her term, though the words ‘a staggering amount’ spring to mind.
Just like Elaine, Neil is an irreplaceable character on the Trust Board, active not just locally, but nationally as well, always trying to encourage football to ‘do things the right way’ and ‘put supporters first’. Neil’s work with Supporters Direct and latterly, the Football Supporters Association has been invaluable. Neil will still be around though, and I am certain you’ll still find him on match days pulling the best pint of real ale in Exeter at the Famous Exeter City Real Ale & Cider Emporium.
Finally, ahead of the AGM, can I thank all the Trustees and our Officers for the tremendous help and service they provide to our members, the club, and not least myself. I should also wish prospective Trustees, standing for election, the very best of fortunes in your efforts.
Kindest Regards,
Nick Hawker, Chair of the Supporters' Trust