The Officers of the Trust are:

Trust Secretary
Dean Matthews
Dean joined the Trust as Secretary in October 2023. His role involves scheduling Trust Board meetings, Annual General Meetings, remaining up to date with Working Group meetings and co-ordinating Minutes and Agenda to be posted on the Website.
Dean also co-ordinates all election events and documentation.
To contact Dean, please email

Trust Membership Secretary
Ryan Ilott

Trust Finance Officer & Club Director
Steve Chudley
Steve became the Trust's Finance Officer in August 2015, a role which covers many areas such as the day-to-day management of the Trust's financial affairs and liaising with the Trust's Membership Secretary, Club employees and local and national suppliers.
The role also takes responsibility for the preparation of the Trust's annual accounts and compliance with a number of statutory obligations, such as the annual FCA return.
As part of his role, he also leads the Trust Finance Working Group and the Club's Finance and Governance Committee, and is a Trust-appointed Director on the Club Board.
On a personal level, he has worked in corporate financial services for over 20 years and has been following City for even longer, having first been taken along by his father at an early age.

Trust Board Minute Taker
Pete Cordwell
Pete stood on the half-way line in the Cowshed with his 8-year-old son balanced on a stool alongside him. The son is now 43 and supporting City from the other side of the world in Sydney.
Pete thought he'd better put to use some of the skills he'd learnt in his career as an English teacher, so he now writes the minutes of the Trust Board meetings.